Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I have sinned!

Confessional Booths in churches are intriguing small buildings with unified function. The confession culture has always been integrated with human lives in various forms. Confession as a religious ritual had been embraced in Christianity more than others, consequently a separate space have been dedicated to such activity in catholic churches. Each confessional booth represents a different era in Architecture and they have collectively evolved as the philosophy of religion has. Traditional Confessional Booths are well-crafted separate installed features of the church, while the modern ones are incorporated in the architecture and building of the church. Today as we face a new united Christianity, confession culture, does not take place as extensively, instead it has been replaced in virtual spaces such as Journals, Magazines, Reality Television or Speaker Corners. Despite the fading of religion rituals, these small buildings are kept to remind us of the power of religion in old days and their social, psychological and cultural impacts. The photos show respectively St.Micheal’s Catholic church in Toronto as a traditional model and St. Columba church on Minnesota as a contemporary model. The following video is confession in a more contemporary, casual manner in today's popular culture:

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